Planning application details ref: 20420 Clare County Council

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Planning Application: 20420 (Clare County Council )
File Number: 20420
Received Date: 24/06/2020 Decision Due Date: 08/01/2021
Validated Date: 24/06/2020 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 17/08/2020 Further Info Received: 19/10/2020
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 23/12/2020
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 09/12/2020

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Roche Ireland Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: to apply for a 10 year planning Permission for development which will consist of the phased demolition of all existing buildings, structures and infrastructure on, in, over and under the site of the existing Roche pharmaceutical plant at Clarehill td, Clarecastle, County Clare, including the existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and all associated ancillary infrastructure, with the exception of the ESB compound on Clarehill, the cottage to the north of the site which fronts onto Patrick Street, existing hedgerows and tree cover, all tie in points to utilities and to discharge points at the site boundary, and site boundary fencing. The existing security hut at the main entrance to the site from Clarehill, the existing internal road network, and existing site utilities; including storm water network, water supply network, fire watermain, fire pump house and electrical transformers, will remain for the duration of the proposed development, to be removed upon completion of the proposed development. The phased demolition will require a fenced demolition contractor's compound, to include offices, welfare facilities, material storage areas, bunded storage, and all associated ancillary structures. The demolition contractor's compound will be accessed via the existing entrance from Clarehill, to include a wheelwash and weighbridge. The proposed development will also consist of the phased remediation of three Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs) within the site boundary namely AEC1, the main processing area; AEC2 in the vicinity of the WWTP and the landfill area. The phased remediation will include bulk excavation within temporary negative pressure enclosures, including decontamination units, backfilling of excavated areas, the use of vapour and groundwater extraction wells, and a modular vacuum plant. The proposed development will also include a fenced remediation contractor's compound, contractor's car park, and a container storage area. The remediation contractor's compound will be accessed via the existing access to the south of Clarehill, with new temporary security hut, wheelwash and weighbridge. The proposed development will also generally consist of: stockpiling areas within the site; the construction of internal temporary fencing; silt fencing, temporary extension to the existing stormwater drainage, water supply and firewater supply systems; existing medium voltage supply at 10kV; Please view Newspaper or Site Notice for the remainder of description
Development Address: Clarehill Td, Clarecastle, Co Clare
Architect Name: Location Key: CLAREHILL CLARECASTLE
Electoral Division: Planner: Gareth Ruane
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: Further Information is deemed a full response and Significant.


Decision Date: 23/12/2020 Manager Order: 76961
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 10
Grant Date: 03/02/2021 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 02/02/2031
Decision Description: to apply for a 10 year planning Permission for development which will consist of the phased demolition of all existing buildings, structures and infrastructure on, in, over and under the site of the existing Roche pharmaceutical plant at Clarehill td, Clarecastle, County Clare, including the existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and all associated ancillary infrastructure, with the exception of the ESB compound on Clarehill, the cottage to the north of the site which fronts onto Patrick Street, existing hedgerows and tree cover, all tie in points to utilities and to discharge points at the site boundary, and site boundary fencing. The existing security hut at the main entrance to the site from Clarehill, the existing internal road network, and existing site utilities; including storm water network, water supply network, fire watermain, fire pump house and electrical transformers, will remain for the duration of the proposed development, to be removed upon completion of the proposed development. The phased demolition will require a fenced demolition contractor's compound, to include offices, welfare facilities, material storage areas, bunded storage, and all associated ancillary structures. The demolition contractor's compound will be accessed via the existing entrance from Clarehill, to include a wheelwash and weighbridge. The proposed development will also consist of the phased remediation of three Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs) within the site boundary namely AEC1, the main processing area; AEC2 in the vicinity of the WWTP and the landfill area. The phased remediation will include bulk excavation within temporary negative pressure enclosures, including decontamination units, backfilling of excavated areas, the use of vapour and groundwater extraction wells, and a modular vacuum plant. The proposed development will also include a fenced remediation contractor's compound, contractor's car park, and a container storage area. The remediation contractor's compound will be accessed via the existing access to the south of Clarehill, with new temporary security hut, wheelwash and weighbridge. The proposed development will also generally consist of: stockpiling areas within the site; the construction of internal temporary fencing; silt fencing, temporary extension to the existing stormwater drainage, water supply and firewater supply systems; existing medium voltage supply at 10kV; Please view Newspaper or Site Notice for the remainder of description

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: