Planning application details ref: 16975 Kildare County Council

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Planning Application: 16975 (Kildare County Council )
File Number: 16975
Received Date: 14/09/2016 Decision Due Date: 02/08/2017
Validated Date: 14/09/2016 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 08/11/2016 Further Info Received: 08/06/2017
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 02/08/2017
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 04/09/2017
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 12/07/2017

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Tom O'Brien, Appointed Receiver over Specified Assets of Declan Gardiner
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number: 24177817
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: 385 no. dwellings and associated car parking (327 no. 2 storey 3/4 bed houses;48 no. 3-storey duplexes consisting of 24 no. 1 & 2 bed apartments and 24 no. 2 & 3 bed units, 6 no. 2-storey 2-bed townhouses and 4 no. 3-storey 3-bed townhouses) totallying 44,473 sqm gross floor area. The proposed development also includes 1 no. 2-storey crèche building (541 sqm) and associated parking; 19,449 sqm of public open space; associated internal road network; public lighting; surface water attenuation; landscaping and all associated site clearance/demolition and site development works and connections to site services. An Environment Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the planning application. Planning Permission is sought for a period of 7 no. years to allow for development on a phased basis. The site measures approximately 13.1 Ha (12.8 Ha developable area) and is bounded by Sexes Road to the south; "Roseberry Hill" to the southeast; Mooney's Road to the north; Rickardstown House to the northwest; and Station Road to the west. The application site is proposed to be accessed from Station Road and via Roseberry Hill. As revised by Significant Further Information: the main changes include but are not limited to a reduction in the number of proposed dwellings from 385 no. to 364 no.; the removal of all duplex/apartment units and replacement with houses; revisions to overall layout, house types, design and mix including an increase in the number of 2 no. bedroom houses; increase in the amount and design of open space; alterations to boundary treatments; road improvements including changes to road design; changes to car parking; relocation and redesign of proposed crèche; revised landscaping; and other information to assist the Authority in making its decision. The revised scheme retains the proposed northern portion of the site and the proposed access onto Station Road.
Development Address: Rickardstown & Roseberry, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Architect Name: Paul O'Neill Location Key: RICKARDSTOWN NEWBRIDGE
Electoral Division: Planner: Stephen Willoughby
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Yes Comments: Extension of Time to respond to Further Information to 16/08/2017.SFI Submission Deadline 12/07/2017


Decision Date: 02/08/2017 Manager Order: CE13493
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 67
Grant Date: 26/01/2018 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?: Yes
Expiry Date: 25/01/2025
Decision Description: 385 no. dwellings and associated car parking (327 no. 2 storey 3/4 bed houses;48 no. 3-storey duplexes consisting of 24 no. 1 & 2 bed apartments and 24 no. 2 & 3 bed units, 6 no. 2-storey 2-bed townhouses and 4 no. 3-storey 3-bed townhouses) totallying 44,473 sqm gross floor area. The proposed development also includes 1 no. 2-storey crèche building (541 sqm) and associated parking; 19,449 sqm of public open space; associated internal road network; public lighting; surface water attenuation; landscaping and all associated site clearance/demolition and site development works and connections to site services. An Environment Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the planning application. Planning Permission is sought for a period of 7 no. years to allow for development on a phased basis. The site measures approximately 13.1 Ha (12.8 Ha developable area) and is bounded by Sexes Road to the south; "Roseberry Hill" to the southeast; Mooney's Road to the north; Rickardstown House to the northwest; and Station Road to the west. The application site is proposed to be accessed from Station Road and via Roseberry Hill. As revised by Significant Further Information: the main changes include but are not limited to a reduction in the number of proposed dwellings from 385 no. to 364 no.; the removal of all duplex/apartment units and replacement with houses; revisions to overall layout, house types, design and mix including an increase in the number of 2 no. bedroom houses; increase in the amount and design of open space; alterations to boundary treatments; road improvements including changes to road design; changes to car parking; relocation and redesign of proposed crèche; revised landscaping; and other information to assist the Authority in making its decision. The revised scheme retains the proposed northern portion of the site and the proposed access onto Station Road.

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 04/09/2017 BP Reference #: Pl 09.249158
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date: 19/09/2017
Submission Due Date: 01/10/2017 Submission Sent Date: 02/10/2017
Appeal Decision: CONDITIONAL Decision Date: 26/01/2018
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: