Planning application details ref: 181214 Kildare County Council

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Planning Application: 181214 (Kildare County Council )
File Number: 181214
Received Date: 04/10/2018 Decision Due Date: 19/06/2019
Validated Date: 04/10/2018 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 27/11/2018 Further Info Received: 23/05/2019
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 17/06/2019
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 15/07/2019
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Michael O'Shea
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number: 25158354
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: Retention permission is sought for 4 no. existing booths (used for drying, shotblasting and painting) and ancillary storage rooms (476.9 sq.m combined), standalone office (21 sq.m) along with the change of use of the cottage to office / storage unit (136 sq.m). Planning permission is sought to: 1. Demolish domestic garage (25 sq.m). 2. Construct an extension to the north side of the shot blasting booth in order to contain all dust associated with shotblasting (37 sq.m) 3. Construct a new shed structure to the front of the existing workshop (414 sq.m.) in order to protect trailers from the weather during shotblast / repainting process and also, critically, to prevent dust emissions. The shed will have a maximum ridge height of 6.38m high and will be enclosed on 3 sides with the south elevation open to allow trailers to enter. It includes a new doorway connection to the existing cottage building. 4. Alter the access arrangements to provide single access to the business and family dwelling and significantly improve sightlines and safety (includes new gates and dwelling). 5. Create new ordered trailer parking area to the rear of the workshop (significantly smaller area than previous application – approximately one third the size) including a dedicated turning area. 6. Provide new lined car parking for staff and visitors (12 spaces) and dedicated HGV parking (12 spaces) 7. Decommission the existing on-site treatment system and percolation area and provide new high specification on-site foul treatment system at a location to the rear of the site. 8. Provide new surface water drainage infrastructure. 9. Provide new landscaping with significant screening planting along the front boundary with family dwelling. 10. Carry out all associated site works.
Development Address: Baltreacy, Donadea, Co. Kildare
Architect Name: Location Key: DONADEA
Electoral Division: Planner: Gary Farrelly
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: Judicial review KCC's comments due with ABP on or before the 18th October 2021


Decision Date: 17/06/2019 Manager Order: DO23866
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 21
Grant Date: 01/08/2023 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: No Part 5 Apply?: No
Expiry Date: 31/07/2028
Decision Description: Retention permission is sought for 4 no. existing booths (used for drying, shotblasting and painting) and ancillary storage rooms (476.9 sq.m combined), standalone office (21 sq.m) along with the change of use of the cottage to office / storage unit (136 sq.m). Planning permission is sought to: 1. Demolish domestic garage (25 sq.m). 2. Construct an extension to the north side of the shot blasting booth in order to contain all dust associated with shotblasting (37 sq.m) 3. Construct a new shed structure to the front of the existing workshop (414 sq.m.) in order to protect trailers from the weather during shotblast / repainting process and also, critically, to prevent dust emissions. The shed will have a maximum ridge height of 6.38m high and will be enclosed on 3 sides with the south elevation open to allow trailers to enter. It includes a new doorway connection to the existing cottage building. 4. Alter the access arrangements to provide single access to the business and family dwelling and significantly improve sightlines and safety (includes new gates and dwelling). 5. Create new ordered trailer parking area to the rear of the workshop (significantly smaller area than previous application – approximately one third the size) including a dedicated turning area. 6. Provide new lined car parking for staff and visitors (12 spaces) and dedicated HGV parking (12 spaces) 7. Decommission the existing on-site treatment system and percolation area and provide new high specification on-site foul treatment system at a location to the rear of the site. 8. Provide new surface water drainage infrastructure. 9. Provide new landscaping with significant screening planting along the front boundary with family dwelling. 10. Carry out all associated site works.

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 18/07/2019 BP Reference #: 310379-21 (304911-9)
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date: 19/07/2019
Submission Due Date: 14/08/2019 Submission Sent Date: 07/08/2019
Appeal Decision: CONDITIONAL Decision Date: 01/08/2023
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date:
Reason: 14 (2nd ABP Appeal)