Planning application details ref: 201086 Louth County Council

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Planning Application: 201086 (Louth County Council )
File Number: 201086
Received Date: 14/12/2020 Decision Due Date: 27/06/2021
Validated Date: 14/12/2020 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 12/02/2021 Further Info Received: 31/05/2021
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 24/06/2021
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 13/07/2021
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 13/06/2021

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Urban Life Developments Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: Permission: There is an existing permission for 16 no. dwellings on site (Ref. 14/510041/ABP15244345 extended 191030, to Protected Structure, Bayview House (DB301 & NIAH 13902407) and demolition of existing dwelling known as 'Bayview Cottage (not protected). Works to Bayview House comprise subdivision to accommodate two 2 bedroom apartments as previously approved. The development also provides for the extension and conversation of an existing coach house within the curtilage of Bayview House to residential use to accommodate 2 no. 2 bed apartments and a communal room and utility storage. The existing modern garage structure to the south of the coach house will be removed. In addition, the development provides for the construction of a new apartment building which will be four and part five storey building over lower ground floor to provide 54 no. apartments comprising 21 no. 1 bedroom, 30 no. 2 bedroom and 3 no. 3 bedroom apartments. The overall total no. of dwellings is 58. Vehicular access to the site Cromwell's Lane as previously approved under Ref. no. 14/510041, to the west of Bayview House. The application also includes repair of the existing boundary walls attendant to Bayview House and its associated gateways and the provision of new gates. It's proposed to reinstate the existing pedestrian entrance onto Dublin Road R132 from the application site and to use this for pedestrian/cycle access and egress only. The application also provides for removal of selected trees affected by a Tree Preservation Order (Ref. TPO-01 Bayview House Drogheda), planting of new trees and all associated landscaping and boundary treatment as well as an ESB substation to serve the proposed development, public lighting, car parking areas, cycle storage, bin storage, retaining walls, adjustment to ground levels and all associated site development works and boundary treatment. *Significant Further Information received on 31/05/2021 which includes alterations to the site boundary and site size, the provision of bulky storage in the existing coach house proposed to be refurbished, alterations to the car parking layout and landscaping plan, changes to the internal design of the proposed apartment building and associated changes to the elevations. The revisions also make provision, subject to agreement with the P.A., for a raised platform on the public road at the primary site entrance (Cromwell's Lane/St. Mary's Villas)*
Development Address: Bayview House & Bayview Cottage, Cromwells Lane, St Mary's Villas, Lagavooren, Drogheda, Co Louth
Architect Name: Location Key: CROMWELLS LANE LEGAVOUREEN
Electoral Division: Planner: Patricia Hughes
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 24/06/2021 Manager Order: 637/2021
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 39
Grant Date: 15/03/2022 Grant Managers Order #: 310849-21
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 14/03/2027
Decision Description: Permission: There is an existing permission for 16 no. dwellings on site (Ref. 14/510041/ABP15244345 extended 191030, to Protected Structure, Bayview House (DB301 & NIAH 13902407) and demolition of existing dwelling known as 'Bayview Cottage (not protected). Works to Bayview House comprise subdivision to accommodate two 2 bedroom apartments as previously approved. The development also provides for the extension and conversation of an existing coach house within the curtilage of Bayview House to residential use to accommodate 2 no. 2 bed apartments and a communal room and utility storage. The existing modern garage structure to the south of the coach house will be removed. In addition, the development provides for the construction of a new apartment building which will be four and part five storey building over lower ground floor to provide 54 no. apartments comprising 21 no. 1 bedroom, 30 no. 2 bedroom and 3 no. 3 bedroom apartments. The overall total no. of dwellings is 58. Vehicular access to the site Cromwell's Lane as previously approved under Ref. no. 14/510041, to the west of Bayview House. The application also includes repair of the existing boundary walls attendant to Bayview House and its associated gateways and the provision of new gates. It's proposed to reinstate the existing pedestrian entrance onto Dublin Road R132 from the application site and to use this for pedestrian/cycle access and egress only. The application also provides for removal of selected trees affected by a Tree Preservation Order (Ref. TPO-01 Bayview House Drogheda), planting of new trees and all associated landscaping and boundary treatment as well as an ESB substation to serve the proposed development, public lighting, car parking areas, cycle storage, bin storage, retaining walls, adjustment to ground levels and all associated site development works and boundary treatment. *Significant Further Information received on 31/05/2021 which includes alterations to the site boundary and site size, the provision of bulky storage in the existing coach house proposed to be refurbished, alterations to the car parking layout and landscaping plan, changes to the internal design of the proposed apartment building and associated changes to the elevations. The revisions also make provision, subject to agreement with the P.A., for a raised platform on the public road at the primary site entrance (Cromwell's Lane/St. Mary's Villas)*

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 16/07/2021 BP Reference #: ABP-310849-21
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date: 27/07/2021
Submission Due Date: 12/08/2021 Submission Sent Date: 06/08/2021
Appeal Decision: MODIFIED Decision Date: 15/03/2022
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: