Planning application details ref: 22331 Louth County Council

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Planning Application: 22331 (Louth County Council )
File Number: 22331
Application Type: PERMISSION Planning Status: APPEALED
Received Date: 26/04/2022 Decision Due Date: 19/04/2023
Validated Date: 26/04/2022 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 16/06/2022 Further Info Received: 23/03/2023
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 17/04/2023
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 12/05/2023
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 05/04/2023

Applicant Details

Applicant name: MRM Structural Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: permission for the demolition of 3 no. habitable dwellings/2 no. with ground floor shop units and existing out buildings, demolition of existing boundary walls to Market House Lane, alteration to existing road entrance to Market House Lane and the construction of 2 no. retail units and 28 no. housing units comprising a mix of apartments, terraced dwellings including: (i) Block A: 8 no. apartment units (House Type E,F,G,H,I), comprising of two one-bed apartments over 2 no. ground floor retail spaces, 4 no. two-bedroom duplex apartments and 2 no. three-bedroom duplex apartments with own door access; (ii) Block B: 10 no. terraced houses comprising 5 no. two-bedroom and 5 no. three-bedroom houses (House Type A,B); (iii) Block C: 4 no. terraced houses comprising 1 no. two-bedroom and 3 no. three-bedroom houses (House Type A,B); (iv) Block D: 3 no. terraced houses, comprising of 2 no. three-bedroom and 1 no. four-bedroom houses (House Type D,J); (v) Block E: 3 no. terraced houses, comprising of 3 no. four-bedroom houses (House Type C). The proposed development will also include the provision of surface car parking (28 no. spaces including 2 no. accessible), bicycle parking (44 no. spaces), bin stores, private open space, public open space, foul and surface water drainage, street lighting, boundary treatments and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development, on a site located within an ACA *SFI received 23.03.23 which provides for, inter alia, a reduction from 2 to 1 no. retail units, an increase from 28 to 45 no. dwelling units and a reduction in site size to 0.4587ha****
Development Address: Market Street and Market House Lane, Ardee, Co Louth, A92E735 A92AW08
Architect Name: Location Key: MARKET STREET ARDEE
Electoral Division: Planner: Patricia Hughes
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: **Extension of Time to submit FI response to 23/03/2023**


Decision Date: 17/04/2023 Manager Order: 245/2023
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 27
Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date:
Decision Description: permission for the demolition of 3 no. habitable dwellings/2 no. with ground floor shop units and existing out buildings, demolition of existing boundary walls to Market House Lane, alteration to existing road entrance to Market House Lane and the construction of 2 no. retail units and 28 no. housing units comprising a mix of apartments, terraced dwellings including: (i) Block A: 8 no. apartment units (House Type E,F,G,H,I), comprising of two one-bed apartments over 2 no. ground floor retail spaces, 4 no. two-bedroom duplex apartments and 2 no. three-bedroom duplex apartments with own door access; (ii) Block B: 10 no. terraced houses comprising 5 no. two-bedroom and 5 no. three-bedroom houses (House Type A,B); (iii) Block C: 4 no. terraced houses comprising 1 no. two-bedroom and 3 no. three-bedroom houses (House Type A,B); (iv) Block D: 3 no. terraced houses, comprising of 2 no. three-bedroom and 1 no. four-bedroom houses (House Type D,J); (v) Block E: 3 no. terraced houses, comprising of 3 no. four-bedroom houses (House Type C). The proposed development will also include the provision of surface car parking (28 no. spaces including 2 no. accessible), bicycle parking (44 no. spaces), bin stores, private open space, public open space, foul and surface water drainage, street lighting, boundary treatments and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development, on a site located within an ACA *SFI received 23.03.23 which provides for, inter alia, a reduction from 2 to 1 no. retail units, an increase from 28 to 45 no. dwelling units and a reduction in site size to 0.4587ha****

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 16/05/2023 BP Reference #: ABP-317116-23
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date: 22/05/2023
Submission Due Date: 12/06/2023 Submission Sent Date: 09/06/2023
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: