Permission consequent on the grant of outline permission (Ref. No. of Outline Permission 98/934) to construct 8 No. Twostorey Semi-detached Dwellinghouses at
The Circular Road, Cloonybeirne Townland, Roscommon Town.
For a mixed use Business Park Development consisting of 1. To erect one block consisting of the following: 3 no retail/warehousing units consisting of 931.76 sqm of floor area including staff facilities, office, display areas and storage area. - 11 number Showroom/Warehouse units consisting of 8,247.22 sqm of floor area including staff facilities, office, display area, storage area 447.83sqm, of open retail/display area on ground floor and provide 2,171.83 sqm on mezzanine floor. 2. To erect one office block complex consisting of five storeys with roof terrace with all amenties having a total floor area of 4,582sqm. 3. To erect service area with Plant Rooms and water storage tanks to the rear of the retail units, 4. To install gas tanks to service the development, access roads, parking, boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, flag poles, advertisement/information signs, connection to existing services, connection to services granted under PD/04/1375 and PD/05/1412, access onto the public road via access provided as part of PD/04/1375 and PD/05/1412 with amendments including provision of right turn lanes and relocated access points, incorporating the works proposed under the fill application PD/06/1958 and all associated site development works at