Planning application details ref: 07111 Tipperary County Council

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Planning Application: 07111 (Tipperary County Council )
File Number: 07111
Received Date: 26/01/2007 Decision Due Date: 13/08/2007
Validated Date: 26/01/2007 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 22/03/2007 Further Info Received: 04/07/2007
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Refused Decision Date: 13/08/2007
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 28/08/2007
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 01/03/2007

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Green Organics Energy Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: to develop biogas and biodiesel production facilities at the established National By-products rendering facilities. The development will consist of biogas and biodiesel production facilities which will use rendering and anaerobic digestion (AD) technologies to process up to 250,000 tones per annum of Category 1 and Category 3 animal by-product (as defined under the European Communities Regulations 1774/2002) meat and bone meal (MBM) and other organic biomass materials to generate biogas and biodiesel. The biogas facility utilising a combined heat and power plant, will generate up to 15 megawatts (MW) of electrical power. This biodiesel facility will use an esterification process to generate 50,000 tonnes of biodiesel per annum from tallow rendered on site, together with additional imported tallow or vegetable oils. The proposed development and works associated with the biogas facility are as follows: Category 3 Process Building (4000 sq.m.) and Category 1 Process Building (4000 sq m) accommodating materials intake, rendering storage, thermal pressure hydrolysis plant and Utility Building (2875 sq m) with associated gas cleaning and compression plant, combined heat and power plant and associated 30 m stack Above Ground Level (AGL) thermal oxidizer and associated 30 m stack AGL, ammonia stripper and conditioning plant and associated 30 m stack AGL, and sludge treatment plant; 2 no. biofilters, 2 no. tallow storage tanks of 6 m AGL; sludge storage & etc.
Development Address: Castleblake, Rosegreen, Cashel, Co Tipperary
Architect Name: Location Key: CASTLEBLAKE, ROSEGREEN
Electoral Division: Graigue Planner: CL
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 13/08/2007 Manager Order:
Decision Type: Refused Number of Conditions: 4
Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date:
Decision Description: to develop biogas and biodiesel production facilities at the established National By-products rendering facilities. The development will consist of biogas and biodiesel production facilities which will use rendering and anaerobic digestion (AD) technologies to process up to 250,000 tones per annum of Category 1 and Category 3 animal by-product (as defined under the European Communities Regulations 1774/2002) meat and bone meal (MBM) and other organic biomass materials to generate biogas and biodiesel. The biogas facility utilising a combined heat and power plant, will generate up to 15 megawatts (MW) of electrical power. This biodiesel facility will use an esterification process to generate 50,000 tonnes of biodiesel per annum from tallow rendered on site, together with additional imported tallow or vegetable oils. The proposed development and works associated with the biogas facility are as follows: Category 3 Process Building (4000 sq.m.) and Category 1 Process Building (4000 sq m) accommodating materials intake, rendering storage, thermal pressure hydrolysis plant and Utility Building (2875 sq m) with associated gas cleaning and compression plant, combined heat and power plant and associated 30 m stack Above Ground Level (AGL) thermal oxidizer and associated 30 m stack AGL, ammonia stripper and conditioning plant and associated 30 m stack AGL, and sludge treatment plant; 2 no. biofilters, 2 no. tallow storage tanks of 6 m AGL; sludge storage & etc.

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 21/09/2007 BP Reference #: PL23.225138
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: 18/10/2007 Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: REFUSED Decision Date: 09/07/2008
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: