Planning application details ref: 18678 Wicklow County Council

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Planning Application: 18678 (Wicklow County Council )
File Number: 18678
Received Date: 19/06/2018 Decision Due Date: 20/11/2018
Validated Date: 19/06/2018 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 08/08/2018 Further Info Received: 24/10/2018
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 16/11/2018
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 13/12/2018
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: DRES Developments Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: demolition of the existing two storey dwelling known as Monterey (c 302 sqm) associated garage (c74 sqm) shed (c 75 sqm) and stables (c65 sqm) and the construction of 74 no residential dwellings and c 5,377 sqm of public open space. The proposed residential scheme comprises 2 no 2 bedroom semi detached bungalows, 7 no 2 bedroom, 2 storey terraced units, 16 no 3 bedroom, 2 storey semi detached units, 36 no 4 bedroom, 2 storey semi detached units and 5 no 5 bedroom, 2 storey detached units comprising a total of c10,075 sqm. The development also includes the provision of a new link road running for a distance of c 330m through the subject lands from 'Dromont' to the north of the subject site where a new junction is proposed, connecting onward to the Chapel Road where a second new junction is proposed and where the existing junction will be upgraded as well as to Chapel Road at 'Melwood' to the south of the subject site, where a third additional junction is proposed. The proposed link road includes a carriageway, footpaths, on road and off road cycle tracks and 3 no new vehicle access points to provide access to the proposed residential development. The proposed development includes for the continued use of an existing access serving the adjoining property to the south west of the subject site (connecting to Chapel Road and the proposed link road), boundary treatments, internal roads, footpaths, a pedestrian crossing, shard surface / home zones, car parking (within the curtilage of the residential units) foul and surface water sewers, landscaping (including removal of pond area) and all associated site development works
Development Address: Kindlestown, Chapel Road, Delgany, Co. Wicklow
Architect Name: Location Key: DELGANY
Electoral Division: Planner: None
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: ABP received an appeal on 13/12/18


Decision Date: 16/11/2018 Manager Order: 1963/18
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 21
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Grant Date: 20/03/2019 Grant Managers Order #: 1963/18
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 19/03/2024
Decision Description: demolition of the existing two storey dwelling known as Monterey (c 302 sqm) associated garage (c74 sqm) shed (c 75 sqm) and stables (c65 sqm) and the construction of 74 no residential dwellings and c 5,377 sqm of public open space. The proposed residential scheme comprises 2 no 2 bedroom semi detached bungalows, 7 no 2 bedroom, 2 storey terraced units, 16 no 3 bedroom, 2 storey semi detached units, 36 no 4 bedroom, 2 storey semi detached units and 5 no 5 bedroom, 2 storey detached units comprising a total of c10,075 sqm. The development also includes the provision of a new link road running for a distance of c 330m through the subject lands from 'Dromont' to the north of the subject site where a new junction is proposed, connecting onward to the Chapel Road where a second new junction is proposed and where the existing junction will be upgraded as well as to Chapel Road at 'Melwood' to the south of the subject site, where a third additional junction is proposed. The proposed link road includes a carriageway, footpaths, on road and off road cycle tracks and 3 no new vehicle access points to provide access to the proposed residential development. The proposed development includes for the continued use of an existing access serving the adjoining property to the south west of the subject site (connecting to Chapel Road and the proposed link road), boundary treatments, internal roads, footpaths, a pedestrian crossing, shard surface / home zones, car parking (within the curtilage of the residential units) foul and surface water sewers, landscaping (including removal of pond area) and all associated site development works

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 18/12/2018 BP Reference #: ABP-303217-18
Appeal Type: APPLICANT File Forward Date: 20/12/2018
Submission Due Date: 23/01/2019 Submission Sent Date: 08/01/2019
Appeal Decision: WITHDRAWN Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: 06/03/2019 Dismissed Date: