Planning Application: 2461297 (Galway County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Lough Derg Vintners Ltd
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
for; 1) Demolition works to existing sheds (92 sq.m) and existing boundary walls; 2) The extension and reconfiguration of the existing car park with the addition of 14 extra car parking spaces bringing the total from 84 to 98 spaces including 20 EV charging spaces, 5 disabled spaces and 6 parent and child spaces. 3) Alterations to the existing entrance/exits onto Dominick Street to include the closure of one number exit and enlargement of second number exit from 6.0m to 8.0m wide, and the addition of an entrance only access 4.5m wide from the Clonfert Avenue with pedestrian crossing. 4) Site works to include the following, construction of a 2.0m high boundary wall, kerbing, footpaths, surfacing, associated drainage and installation of traffic management line marking. Gross floor space of any demolition: 92.00 sqm
for retention for the following (1) alterations to signage on north-western, south-eastern and north-eastern elevations including relocation of clock, omission of entrance porch & retention of existing shop-front on the north-western elevation (2) re-location of glazed tower on north-eastern elevation (3) alterations to south-western and south-eastern elevations (4) omission of feature clad wall on the northern corner of the building (5) new dock-leveller building on the southern corner of the building (6) re-location of part of first floor staff facilities area to new mezzanine area on the south-eastern end of the building (7) revisions to internal ground floor layout to include supermarket ancillary areas (8) new gas-compound at the south-eastern corner of the car park at Super-Valu Supermarket
for an off licence use within an existing Supermarket unit at Super-Valu Supermarket. Gross floor space of proposed works: (off licence within Supermarket) - 76 sqm
The development will consist of placement of a pay-to-use portable waste compactor for the acceptance of residual and food waste and a pay-to-use portable compactor for mixed dry recyclables. Gross floor space of proposed works: 2x8sqm
for a development consisting of: 1. Partial demolition works to existing dwelling (50sqm); 2. Reconstruction works to existing dwelling to include construction of new gable wall; 3. Installation of signage on to the reconstructed gable wall of the dwelling; 4. Permission for site works to include the following, construction of a 2.1m high concrete post and timber panel fence enclosure to the unloading area, construction of a 2.0m high boundary wall to the reduced garden area, precast kerbing, footpaths, surfacing, associated drainage, installation of traffic management line marking and 1.5m high galvanised steel access gates to the entrance; 5. Permission for alterations to the existing exits onto Dominick Street to include the closure of one number exit to form a new compound area and enlargement of second number exit from 6.0m to 7.0m wide. Gross floor space of any demolition: 50 sqm
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application