Planning Application: 2360171 (Kildare County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
Validated Date:
Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested:
Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date:
Extend Date:
Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Whistlebrook Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
for a mixed-use development at a site of c.0.5098 ha. The site is located to the north and west of no’s. 9, 10 and 11 Millbrook Villas and north of Meánscoil Iognáid Rís. The proposed development will comprise 4 no. blocks providing a total of 56 no. residential units and 3 no. commercial units. The proposed development will include: • Blocks A & B (4 storey) consisting of 49 no. apartments. Block A will comprise 26 no. apartments (15 no. 1-beds, 8 no. 2-beds and 3 no. 3-beds) and a ground floor commercial unit measuring c.112sqm. Block B will comprise 23 no. apartments (12 no. 1-beds, and 11 no. 2-beds) and a ground floor commercial unit measuring c. 84sqm. • Block C (3 storey) consisting of 3 no. two-storey, 2-bed duplexes above a ground floor commercial unit measuring c.138sqm. • Blocks D and E (3 storey) consisting of 4 no. 3 bed semi-detached houses. All residential units will be provided with private gardens/balconies/terraces facing to the north/ south/ east/ west. New vehicular and pedestrian/cyclist access will be via Corban’s Lane to the south-west and a pedestrian/cyclist only access via Corban’s Lane between Blocks B & C. Closure of the existing site access to Corban’s Lane, removal of on street car parking and upgrade to the street including provision of a new cycleway. All associated site development works, including 32 no. car parking spaces, 140 no. cycle parking spaces, open spaces, landscaping, boundary treatments, plant areas, bin stores, and services provision are also proposed
Development Address:
Corban's Lane and Millbrook Villas Road, Naas, Co. Kildare
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Fiona Breen
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
for a mixed-use development at a site of c.0.5098 ha. The site is located to the north and west of no’s. 9, 10 and 11 Millbrook Villas and north of Meánscoil Iognáid Rís. The proposed development will comprise 4 no. blocks providing a total of 56 no. residential units and 3 no. commercial units. The proposed development will include: • Blocks A & B (4 storey) consisting of 49 no. apartments. Block A will comprise 26 no. apartments (15 no. 1-beds, 8 no. 2-beds and 3 no. 3-beds) and a ground floor commercial unit measuring c.112sqm. Block B will comprise 23 no. apartments (12 no. 1-beds, and 11 no. 2-beds) and a ground floor commercial unit measuring c. 84sqm. • Block C (3 storey) consisting of 3 no. two-storey, 2-bed duplexes above a ground floor commercial unit measuring c.138sqm. • Blocks D and E (3 storey) consisting of 4 no. 3 bed semi-detached houses. All residential units will be provided with private gardens/balconies/terraces facing to the north/ south/ east/ west. New vehicular and pedestrian/cyclist access will be via Corban’s Lane to the south-west and a pedestrian/cyclist only access via Corban’s Lane between Blocks B & C. Closure of the existing site access to Corban’s Lane, removal of on street car parking and upgrade to the street including provision of a new cycleway. All associated site development works, including 32 no. car parking spaces, 140 no. cycle parking spaces, open spaces, landscaping, boundary treatments, plant areas, bin stores, and services provision are also proposed