Planning application details ref: 221387 Limerick City and County Council

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Planning Application: 221387 (Limerick City and County Council )
File Number: 221387
Received Date: 22/12/2022 Decision Due Date: 11/10/2023
Validated Date: 22/12/2022 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 22/02/2023 Further Info Received: 14/09/2023
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 10/10/2023
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Maxol Ireland
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: alterations to the existing single story service station building (accommodating retail unit, ancillary off-licence, delis, public seating, storage, and office) consisting of the construction of a single storey extension of 142 sqm to provide for a restaurant (95 sq m) and additional seating (41 sq m) all resulting in a building of 548 sqm total GFA, and the provision of screened roof plant. Reconfiguration of the existing site layout including relocation of existing site exit and alteration of vehicular circulation; Provision of 1 no. HGV parking/delivery space, provision of cycle and motorbike parking; Reconfiguration of car parking resulting in 17 no. car parking spaces and 2 no. service bays; Construction of an EV Charging Hub (consisting of 6 no. EV charging car parking spaces, a canopy, ancillary plant, signage, PV panels); Construction of replacement waste/plant compound; Removal of existing canopy link (155 sqm) and associated structure, and make good remaining canopy façade; Relocation of existing solid fuel store, totem sign, vents and offset fill location; Diversion of an existing stormwater pipe within the site boundary; Alterations to boundaries; Hard and soft landscaping, changes to levels and all site development works above and below ground. The proposed development seeks the provision of signs: 12 No. illuminated signs (2 No. x 0.3 sq m; 2 No. x 1.4 sq m; 2.27 sq m; 2.5 sq m; 3.6 sq m; double sided sign 12.92 sq m total; 3 No. illuminated signs mounted on the front elevation 2 No. x 0.33 sq m and 2.06 sq m; 1 No. inside the building window 0.88 sq m); and 10 No. signs (2 No. × 0.165 sq m; 0.29 sq m; 0.38 sq m; 6 No. x 1.39 sq m)
Development Address: Maxol Service Station, St. Nessan's Road, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick
Architect Name: Jim Maneely Location Key: DOORADOYLE
Electoral Division: Ballycummin Planner: Limerick City West Area Planner
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: Submissions By:03/02/2023


Decision Date: 10/10/2023 Manager Order: 883/2023
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 11
Grant Date: 14/11/2023 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 13/11/2028
Decision Description: alterations to the existing single story service station building (accommodating retail unit, ancillary off-licence, delis, public seating, storage, and office) consisting of the construction of a single storey extension of 142 sqm to provide for a restaurant (95 sq m) and additional seating (41 sq m) all resulting in a building of 548 sqm total GFA, and the provision of screened roof plant. Reconfiguration of the existing site layout including relocation of existing site exit and alteration of vehicular circulation; Provision of 1 no. HGV parking/delivery space, provision of cycle and motorbike parking; Reconfiguration of car parking resulting in 17 no. car parking spaces and 2 no. service bays; Construction of an EV Charging Hub (consisting of 6 no. EV charging car parking spaces, a canopy, ancillary plant, signage, PV panels); Construction of replacement waste/plant compound; Removal of existing canopy link (155 sqm) and associated structure, and make good remaining canopy façade; Relocation of existing solid fuel store, totem sign, vents and offset fill location; Diversion of an existing stormwater pipe within the site boundary; Alterations to boundaries; Hard and soft landscaping, changes to levels and all site development works above and below ground. The proposed development seeks the provision of signs: 12 No. illuminated signs (2 No. x 0.3 sq m; 2 No. x 1.4 sq m; 2.27 sq m; 2.5 sq m; 3.6 sq m; double sided sign 12.92 sq m total; 3 No. illuminated signs mounted on the front elevation 2 No. x 0.33 sq m and 2.06 sq m; 1 No. inside the building window 0.88 sq m); and 10 No. signs (2 No. × 0.165 sq m; 0.29 sq m; 0.38 sq m; 6 No. x 1.39 sq m)

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: