a ten year Planning Application at the house and estate of Duleek House, Abbey Road, Duleek, (a Protected Structure No. MH027-203 ), including its gate lodge, for development comprising the following works, including necessary ancillary works to support:
a) Repair of stonework, restoration of original rooftop stone balustrading at the front façade, render of external façade of Duleek House, including installation of new period up and down sash windows and panelled front door. Conversion of basement floor, with subterranean extensions to enable modern services, to form thermal baths contained in new reinforced concrete structures independent of the main house structure. This work also involves the following items: 1: Provision of new basement plant room on courtyard side; 2: Covering over of original moat style basement lightwell. This covering work involves the creation of an independent structure to minimise contact with original house and retaining wall structures; 3: Extra excavation on North side where moat is missing to create wider structure for services, steam room and plunge pool elements of the complex; 4: New subterranean tunnel links to 3 semi subterranean buildings listed at b, c and d below; 5: Removal of 2 no. non original returns at rear of house and creation of new single storey wing in courtyard housing 6 no. massage rooms and staff room, including 2 stairs to house basement.
b) New semi subterranean reception building with changing rooms and lounge area, as well as disabled massage room and associated facilities.
c) New semi subterranean part indoor and part outdoor wellness pool with ancillary facilities.
d) New semi subterranean restaurant building including kitchen and accessible WC.
e) Erection of Photo-Voltaic solar panels to inside slopes of Duleek House roof.
f) Restoration, alteration and extension of existing part 2 storey, part single storey farmyard courtyard buildings to form 1 no. one bedroomed housing unit, 7 no two bedroomed units and 1 no three bedroomed unit, primarily 2 storey but partly single storey.
g) 8 no. new one bedroomed apartments in new adjacent courtyard formation to south of existing courtyard and backing onto Abbey Road. Shared bin storage area provided for all housing.
h) New vehicle entrances, including walls and gates, off Abbey Road and Duleek Court.
i) New driveway and car park accessed off Abbey Road entrance.
j) New driveway and car park accessed
Development Address:
Duleek House, Abbey Road, Duleek, Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Peadar McQuaid
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
EXTRA TXT saved in V Drive - Agreed to extend FI deadline to 20/12/2024
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
a ten year Planning Application at the house and estate of Duleek House, Abbey Road, Duleek, (a Protected Structure No. MH027-203 ), including its gate lodge, for development comprising the following works, including necessary ancillary works to support:
a) Repair of stonework, restoration of original rooftop stone balustrading at the front façade, render of external façade of Duleek House, including installation of new period up and down sash windows and panelled front door. Conversion of basement floor, with subterranean extensions to enable modern services, to form thermal baths contained in new reinforced concrete structures independent of the main house structure. This work also involves the following items: 1: Provision of new basement plant room on courtyard side; 2: Covering over of original moat style basement lightwell. This covering work involves the creation of an independent structure to minimise contact with original house and retaining wall structures; 3: Extra excavation on North side where moat is missing to create wider structure for services, steam room and plunge pool elements of the complex; 4: New subterranean tunnel links to 3 semi subterranean buildings listed at b, c and d below; 5: Removal of 2 no. non original returns at rear of house and creation of new single storey wing in courtyard housing 6 no. massage rooms and staff room, including 2 stairs to house basement.
b) New semi subterranean reception building with changing rooms and lounge area, as well as disabled massage room and associated facilities.
c) New semi subterranean part indoor and part outdoor wellness pool with ancillary facilities.
d) New semi subterranean restaurant building including kitchen and accessible WC.
e) Erection of Photo-Voltaic solar panels to inside slopes of Duleek House roof.
f) Restoration, alteration and extension of existing part 2 storey, part single storey farmyard courtyard buildings to form 1 no. one bedroomed housing unit, 7 no two bedroomed units and 1 no three bedroomed unit, primarily 2 storey but partly single storey.
g) 8 no. new one bedroomed apartments in new adjacent courtyard formation to south of existing courtyard and backing onto Abbey Road. Shared bin storage area provided for all housing.
h) New vehicle entrances, including walls and gates, off Abbey Road and Duleek Court.
i) New driveway and car park accessed off Abbey Road entrance.
j) New driveway and car park accessed