Planning application details ref: 2460851 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: 2460851 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: 2460851
Received Date: 15/10/2024 Decision Due Date: 09/12/2024
Validated Date: 15/10/2024 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 06/12/2024
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 18/11/2024

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Thomas Stewart
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the development consists of: Retention of modifications to the existing granted planning permission pl. reg. ref. no.: P.70/420 as follows: (a) As-built single-storey flat roof shed located to the south-west side of the permitted dwelling with a non-habitable floor area of 14.9 m²; (b) As-built single-storey flat roof garage attached to the north-east side of the permitted dwelling with a non-habitable floor area of 41.8 m² replacing the permitted flat roof garage with a non-habitable floor area of 15.5 m²; (c) Total as-built additional non-habitable floor area of 41.2 m² consisting of the increased areas for the as-built shed and garage at ground floor level; (d) Total as-built additional habitable floor area for the dwelling of 31.2 m² consisting of an increase in the as-built floor area of 8.7 m² at ground floor level and 22.5 m² at first floor level; (e) As-built windows and doors to include the following amendments from that permitted: • As-built gable-fronted pitched roof design for the dormer window to the front (south-east facing) elevation replacing the permitted flat roof dormer design; • As-built bay window design to the side (south-west facing) elevation replacing a standard window at ground floor level; • As-built additional full height window to the side (south-west facing) elevation at ground floor level; • As-built 4 no. rooflights installed to the roof on the rear (north-west facing) elevation; (f) Modifications to the internal layout of the permitted dwelling; (g) All associated site development works
Development Address: Growtown, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath A85E652
Architect Name: O'Flynn Architects Location Key: GROWTOWN
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: Shoaib Khan
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 06/12/2024 Manager Order: 1742/24
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 3
Grant Date: 05/02/2025 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 04/02/2030
Decision Description: the development consists of: Retention of modifications to the existing granted planning permission pl. reg. ref. no.: P.70/420 as follows: (a) As-built single-storey flat roof shed located to the south-west side of the permitted dwelling with a non-habitable floor area of 14.9 m²; (b) As-built single-storey flat roof garage attached to the north-east side of the permitted dwelling with a non-habitable floor area of 41.8 m² replacing the permitted flat roof garage with a non-habitable floor area of 15.5 m²; (c) Total as-built additional non-habitable floor area of 41.2 m² consisting of the increased areas for the as-built shed and garage at ground floor level; (d) Total as-built additional habitable floor area for the dwelling of 31.2 m² consisting of an increase in the as-built floor area of 8.7 m² at ground floor level and 22.5 m² at first floor level; (e) As-built windows and doors to include the following amendments from that permitted: • As-built gable-fronted pitched roof design for the dormer window to the front (south-east facing) elevation replacing the permitted flat roof dormer design; • As-built bay window design to the side (south-west facing) elevation replacing a standard window at ground floor level; • As-built additional full height window to the side (south-west facing) elevation at ground floor level; • As-built 4 no. rooflights installed to the roof on the rear (north-west facing) elevation; (f) Modifications to the internal layout of the permitted dwelling; (g) All associated site development works

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: