the demolition of the existing single & two storey offices & high level walkway structure, (2,118 sqm in extent) and the construction of replacement new two storey office buildings with roof top comms/plantroom and external roof mounted plant with louvred screens and roof mounted photovoltaic solar panels (2,734 sqm in extent), the rearranging of the car parking to the front (North) complete with the landscaping of the resultant area, a new substation/transformer room/switchroom (52.5 sqm in extent), to the rear of the existing factory building and all associated site works at our premises at Kilbrew, Ashbourne, Co. Meath. The installation to rear of the site of temporary portacabins (1000 sqm in extent) to house office workers during construction. These buildings will be served by a new wastewater treatment system connected to the existing wastewater system serving the existing offices. These temporary structures will be removed once the new office is constructed and available for occupation. There will be no changes to the existing access, circulation within the overall site or to the industrial buildings and processes on site as a consequence of this application
the demolition of the existing single & two storey offices & high level walkway structure, (2,118 sqm in extent) and the construction of replacement new two storey office buildings with roof top comms/plantroom and external roof mounted plant with louvred screens and roof mounted photovoltaic solar panels (2,734 sqm in extent), the rearranging of the car parking to the front (North) complete with the landscaping of the resultant area, a new substation/transformer room/switchroom (52.5 sqm in extent), to the rear of the existing factory building and all associated site works at our premises at Kilbrew, Ashbourne, Co. Meath. The installation to rear of the site of temporary portacabins (1000 sqm in extent) to house office workers during construction. These buildings will be served by a new wastewater treatment system connected to the existing wastewater system serving the existing offices. These temporary structures will be removed once the new office is constructed and available for occupation. There will be no changes to the existing access, circulation within the overall site or to the industrial buildings and processes on site as a consequence of this application
planning permission for the retention of a) 2no. new extract flues to the roof of existing factory building, b) a storage compound with low level walls, security fence and security barriers all to the rear of the site and c) all associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the development will consist of planning permission for (a) demolition/removal of the existing security hut, (b) modifications to existing surface level carpark and a new surface level carpark (total = 157 spaces), new single storey security hut, modification to the existing site entrance area, new security barriers, associated carpark lighting, electric vehicle charging points and surface mounted weighbridge (c) 2.4m high covered walkway, (d) 2.4m high security fence to the perimter of the site, (e) relocation/redistribution of existing earth mound to the rear within the subject site, (f) modifications to the fenestration of the existing Tayto Museum building at the north west of the factory building (g) change of use of the existing Tayto Museum building to offices at the north west of the factory building, (h) retention of the existing hardstanding and security fencing to the south east of the site and all associated site works at our premises
(a) 2 no. water treatment balance tanks (capacity 1200 m3 each) and new pump station on new concrete base, (b) new overground and part underground flow and return pipework from existing water treatment plant to new water treatment balance tanks, (c) new compacted hardcore access roadway and (d) all associated site works
the demolition of the exising 121sqm potato loading shed & adjoining 64.8sqm 2 storey toilet/office structure and the construction of a new 144sqm waste management area, 92.1sqm plant room and new 138sqm potato loading area (all 8.2m in height) and 5.5m high 89sqm link corridor all attached to the rear of the exisiting manufacturing building and all associated services
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application