proposed change of use and refurbishment of the existing 545m2 National School building to a proposed new nursing home and with the provision of additional extensions over two phases. The proposed change of use to a nursing home development is to provide for adequate day, dining, office, staff, spiritual and support space requirements. A Phase 1, 512.5m2, single storey extension is proposed to the rear of the existing and will consist of 13 no. single and 1 no. double, accessible, ensuite bedrooms with sanitary support spaces around a single, garden courtyard arrangement and will require the demolition of the existing, 23.5m2 bicycle shed in combination with a new landscaping arrangement to include for a horticulture area, the provision of solar/PV panels on the existing roof, together with the provision of 11 no. on-site parking spaces and all associated site and ancillary developments works. An additional, Phase 2, 1795m2, single storey extension is proposed to the rear and will consist of 31 no. single and 5 no. double, accessible ensuite bedrooms, additional day, staff and sanitarty spaces around a second, garden courtyard arrangement and will require minor alternation to the interal layout of the existing structure, created for the Phase 1 development. A 36m2, double height, foyer space to the front elevation of the existing facade is also proposed under Phase 2 of the development. 27 no. additional parking spaces are to be provided to the rear of the proposed together with all associated site and ancillary development works. Significant Further Information /Revised plans submitted on this application
Development Address:
Old National School , Ballivor, Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Richard Smith (RIAI)
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Kathryn Hosey
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
proposed change of use and refurbishment of the existing 545m2 National School building to a proposed new nursing home and with the provision of additional extensions over two phases. The proposed change of use to a nursing home development is to provide for adequate day, dining, office, staff, spiritual and support space requirements. A Phase 1, 512.5m2, single storey extension is proposed to the rear of the existing and will consist of 13 no. single and 1 no. double, accessible, ensuite bedrooms with sanitary support spaces around a single, garden courtyard arrangement and will require the demolition of the existing, 23.5m2 bicycle shed in combination with a new landscaping arrangement to include for a horticulture area, the provision of solar/PV panels on the existing roof, together with the provision of 11 no. on-site parking spaces and all associated site and ancillary developments works. An additional, Phase 2, 1795m2, single storey extension is proposed to the rear and will consist of 31 no. single and 5 no. double, accessible ensuite bedrooms, additional day, staff and sanitary spaces around a second, garden courtyard arrangement and will require minor alteration to the internal layout of the existing structure, created for the Phase 1 development. A 36m2, double height, foyer space to the front elevation of the existing facade is also proposed under Phase 2 of the development. 27 no. additional parking spaces are to be provided to the rear of the proposed together with all associated site and ancillary development works. Significant Further Information /Revised plans submitted on this application
Ballivor National School Killaconnigan, Ballivor, Co Meath
temporary accommodation for a period of three years comprising three classrooms each for approximately 30 students,access ramps and connections to existing mains drainage
position for a period of five years (max), 3 prefabricated classrooms, each for 30 students, with access ramps and connections to existing mains drainage