PP - for development consisting of a ten-year planning permission for a renewable energy development with a 30-year operational life (from the date of commissioning along with a recreational and amenity facility. The entirety of the renewable energy development constitutes the provision of a ten-turbine wind farm and associated site works on lands in both Counties Leitrim and Sligo. The development will consist of: i. Construction of 2 no. wind turbines with a maximum overall blade tip height of up to 170 metres and associated hardstand areas; ii. 1 no. permanent Meteorological Mast with a maximum height of up to 100 metres, iii. All associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines to the proposed wind farm 38kV electricity substation (which is proposed to be located in the townland of Garvagh Glebe, Co Leitrim); iv. Upgrade of existing tracks, roads and provision of new site access roads; v. Recreation and amenity works, including marked trails and associated recreation and amenity signage; vi. Site drainage; vii. Permanent signage; viii. Ancillary forestry felling to facilitate construction and operation of the proposed development; and ix. All associated site development works. A concurrent planning application is being lodged with Leitrim County Council in relation to the elements of the project that are within County Leitrim (which include the provision of 8 no. wind turbines, electrical substation, underground cabling, connection to national electricity grid, access tracks/roads, access junction improvements, amenity works and all associated works). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted with the application.
Development Address:
Towlands of Carrowmore, and Carrownyclowan , County Sligo
Architect Name:
J O Brien
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
03 Ward
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
PP - for development consisting of a ten-year planning permission for a renewable energy development with a 30-year operational life (from the date of commissioning along with a recreational and amenity facility. The entirety of the renewable energy development constitutes the provision of a ten-turbine wind farm and associated site works on lands in both Counties Leitrim and Sligo. The development will consist of: i. Construction of 2 no. wind turbines with a maximum overall blade tip height of up to 170 metres and associated hardstand areas; ii. 1 no. permanent Meteorological Mast with a maximum height of up to 100 metres, iii. All associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines to the proposed wind farm 38kV electricity substation (which is proposed to be located in the townland of Garvagh Glebe, Co Leitrim); iv. Upgrade of existing tracks, roads and provision of new site access roads; v. Recreation and amenity works, including marked trails and associated recreation and amenity signage; vi. Site drainage; vii. Permanent signage; viii. Ancillary forestry felling to facilitate construction and operation of the proposed development; and ix. All associated site development works. A concurrent planning application is being lodged with Leitrim County Council in relation to the elements of the project that are within County Leitrim (which include the provision of 8 no. wind turbines, electrical substation, underground cabling, connection to national electricity grid, access tracks/roads, access junction improvements, amenity works and all associated works). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted with the application.