The development will comprise of amendments to previously approved planning reference no. 23/60056.
The proposed amendments include:
a) Proposed amendments to elevational treatment throughout
b) Proposed relocation of 5 no. Type D houses previously house no’s 54,55,57,60 and 61 to now be located as house no’s 43,44,45,46 and 47
c) Proposed relocation of 5 no. Type C houses previously house no’s 43,44,45,46 and 47 to now be located at house no’s 54,55,57,60 and 61
d) Proposed alterations to houses no’s 1,16,25,33,34,36,37,42,43,50,51,56,57 and 65 to now include a side entrance and associated changes.
e) Proposed amendments to previously granted boundary treatments and associated site layout changes
Development Address:
Newtownholmes Road, Caltragh, Sligo, F91YY13
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
The development will comprise of amendments to previously approved planning reference no. 23/60056.
The proposed amendments include:
a) Proposed amendments to elevational treatment throughout
b) Proposed relocation of 5 no. Type D houses previously house no’s 54,55,57,60 and 61 to now be located as house no’s 43,44,45,46 and 47
c) Proposed relocation of 5 no. Type C houses previously house no’s 43,44,45,46 and 47 to now be located at house no’s 54,55,57,60 and 61
d) Proposed alterations to houses no’s 1,16,25,33,34,36,37,42,43,50,51,56,57 and 65 to now include a side entrance and associated changes.
e) Proposed amendments to previously granted boundary treatments and associated site layout changes
for a residential development containing 84 no. residential units and a single storey creche (190 sqm). The residential element of the proposal is comprised of 8 no. 4 bed semi detached houses (type A), 8 no. 3 bed terraced houses (type B), 16 no. ground floor 2 bed apartments with 16 no. 3 bed duplex units over arranged in 4 no. separate blocks (type C), 36 no. 2 bed apartments in a three storey apartment block (type D) over basement carpark containing 43 no. car park spaces, bicycle and refuse / plant storage areas, internal roads, surface parking, new entrance, footpaths, landscaped open space, boundary walls, R.C. attenuation tank, an ESB substation and switch room (area 23 sqm), services above and below ground and all ancillary site and landscaping works all on site of area 1.883 hectares, accessed from the New Town Holmes Road to the east, and also bounded by Caltragh Lane to the northwest and Caltragh interchange to the west at
development consisting of the following: a) A total of 65 no. residential units consisting of 19 no. – Type A – 2 bed semi detached and terraced houses, 10 no. – Type B – 3 bed semi detached and terraced houses, 23 no. – Type C – 3 bed semi detached, terraced and detached houses, 13 No. – Type D – 5 bed semi detached and detached houses b) Pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access/egress with Newtownholmes Road, c) All car parking, landscaping, boundary treatments, pedestrian links, public lighting, service connections and all associated site works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application