the following residential development comprising of the construction of 98 no. residential units, 1 no. childcare facility, 1 no pumping station and all associated ancillary development works including a shared cycle and pedestrian pathway which runs along the southern, western and northern boundary of the site, access, footpaths, parking, drainage, landscaping and amenity areas at Rathgowan, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. Access will be via the existing entrance on the R394(C-Link) to the north of the site. This development will form part of a larger two phase development at this location. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been submitted to the planning authority with the application
the following residential development comprising of the construction of 98 no. residential units, 1 no. childcare facility, 1 no pumping station and all associated ancillary development works including a shared cycle and pedestrian pathway which runs along the southern, western and northern boundary of the site, access, footpaths, parking, drainage, landscaping and amenity areas at Rathgowan, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. Access will be via the existing entrance on the R394(C-Link) to the north of the site. This development will form part of a larger two phase development at this location. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been submitted to the planning authority with the application