Planning application details ref: 17219 Wicklow County Council

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Planning Application: 17219 (Wicklow County Council )
File Number: 17219
Received Date: 02/03/2017 Decision Due Date: 01/03/2018
Validated Date: 02/03/2017 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 25/04/2017 Further Info Received: 05/01/2018
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 27/02/2018
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 26/03/2018
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 08/02/2018

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Keldrum Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: 1-3 storey res scheme comprising 369 dwelling units (289 house units, 56 duplex units, 16 apartment units and 8 studio apartment units) in the form of 8 1 beds, 91 no 2 beds, 118 no 3 beds, 140 4 bed units and 12 5 bed units. 1st phase of new Rathnew Inner Relief Road (delivered in compliance with Road Objective RP2 of Wicklow Town - Rathnew Dev Plan 13-19) comprising 2 lane 6m carriageway with 2m footpaths & 2m wide cycletracks on both sides, the upgrade of the Merrymeeting Interchange, a new junction (proposed Rathnew Inner Relief Road with Avenue serving Tinakilly Country House Hotel) and additional junctions within the site to serve the new development, & 1 additional vehicular access point along Avenue leading into Tinakilly Country House Hotel (Protected). No works to Hotel. Scheme shall comprise of combination of units incl. detached, semi detached, terraced, bungalow & dormer bungalow house units & apt & studio apts units broken down into medium & low density areas. The medium density area comprise 152 residential units in form of 16 2 storey terrace units , 11 3 storey terrace units, 29 2 bed 2 storey terrace units, 22 3 bed 3 storey terrace units, 12 2 bed duplex units and 12 3 bed duplex units in 3 storey blocks, 22 3 bed 2 storey terrace units 2 2 bed 1 storey bungalow units, 2 3 bed 1.5 storey dormer bungalow units, and 16 2 bed apartment units over 8 1 bed studio apartment units in all 3 storey blocks. Low density area comprises 217 units in form of 16 2 bed duplex units & 16 3 bed duplex units in 3 storey blocks, 24 3 bed 2 storey semi detached units, 12 5 bed 2 storey detached housess, 40 4 bed 2 storey semi detached units, 88 4 bed 3 storey semi detached houses, 9 3 bed 2 storey detached units & 12 4 bed 2 storey detached houses. There is an option to provide for a variation to units B1,B2,A2 & A3. Permission to implement a combination of these particular unit types within scheme. All res units range in size from c44.5sqm - c214.75sqm and have assoc private open space in form of either a rear and/or side garden or balcony/terrace area. 670 car parking spaces, 44 grouped bicycle parking spaces, public park, cycle & pedestrian paths/linkages, fitness equipment, fitness zones, adventure zones, kickabout areas, 8 public open spaces, landscaping works, bin storage, pedestrian access to Hotel, internal res access roads & surface upgrading works, service & drainage, public lighting, site dev works (EIS)
Development Address: Tinakilly, Rathnew, Co. Wicklow
Architect Name: Location Key: TINAKILLY
Electoral Division: Planner: None
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: Decision from ABP was a Split decision. Granted 271 dwellings and Refused 84 dwellings


Decision Date: 27/02/2018 Manager Order: 211/18
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 28
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Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 17/01/2024
Decision Description: 1-3 storey res scheme comprising 369 dwelling units (289 house units, 56 duplex units, 16 apartment units and 8 studio apartment units) in the form of 8 1 beds, 91 no 2 beds, 118 no 3 beds, 140 4 bed units and 12 5 bed units. 1st phase of new Rathnew Inner Relief Road (delivered in compliance with Road Objective RP2 of Wicklow Town - Rathnew Dev Plan 13-19) comprising 2 lane 6m carriageway with 2m footpaths & 2m wide cycletracks on both sides, the upgrade of the Merrymeeting Interchange, a new junction (proposed Rathnew Inner Relief Road with Avenue serving Tinakilly Country House Hotel) and additional junctions within the site to serve the new development, & 1 additional vehicular access point along Avenue leading into Tinakilly Country House Hotel (Protected). No works to Hotel. Scheme shall comprise of combination of units incl. detached, semi detached, terraced, bungalow & dormer bungalow house units & apt & studio apts units broken down into medium & low density areas. The medium density area comprise 152 residential units in form of 16 2 storey terrace units , 11 3 storey terrace units, 29 2 bed 2 storey terrace units, 22 3 bed 3 storey terrace units, 12 2 bed duplex units and 12 3 bed duplex units in 3 storey blocks, 22 3 bed 2 storey terrace units 2 2 bed 1 storey bungalow units, 2 3 bed 1.5 storey dormer bungalow units, and 16 2 bed apartment units over 8 1 bed studio apartment units in all 3 storey blocks. Low density area comprises 217 units in form of 16 2 bed duplex units & 16 3 bed duplex units in 3 storey blocks, 24 3 bed 2 storey semi detached units, 12 5 bed 2 storey detached housess, 40 4 bed 2 storey semi detached units, 88 4 bed 3 storey semi detached houses, 9 3 bed 2 storey detached units & 12 4 bed 2 storey detached houses. There is an option to provide for a variation to units B1,B2,A2 & A3. Permission to implement a combination of these particular unit types within scheme. All res units range in size from c44.5sqm - c214.75sqm and have assoc private open space in form of either a rear and/or side garden or balcony/terrace area. 670 car parking spaces, 44 grouped bicycle parking spaces, public park, cycle & pedestrian paths/linkages, fitness equipment, fitness zones, adventure zones, kickabout areas, 8 public open spaces, landscaping works, bin storage, pedestrian access to Hotel, internal res access roads & surface upgrading works, service & drainage, public lighting, site dev works (EIS)

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 29/03/2018 BP Reference #: ABP-301261-18
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date: 05/04/2018
Submission Due Date: 25/04/2018 Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: CONDITIONAL Decision Date: 18/01/2019
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date:
Reason: 20