Planning application details ref: LB150172 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: LB150172 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: LB150172
Received Date: 23/02/2015 Decision Due Date: 18/06/2015
Validated Date: 23/02/2015 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 10/04/2015 Further Info Received: 22/05/2015
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 15/06/2015
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Slane Castle Irish Whiskey Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: planning permission at Slane Castle (a Protected Structure). The site is located within the Slane Castle Demesne Architectural Conservation Area. The development consists of amendments to the approved Planning Permission, (File Number SA130152). The previous application comprised the creation of a new whiskey distillery and visitor centre and associated development to be set within the existing two-storey East Stableyard, single storey West Courtyard, the East, Middle and West Farmyards and the Gardeners Cottage and Gardens. The site for the development is located approximately 110m to the north-west of Slane Castle. This application seeks permission for modifications to the previously granted development, plus new developments in the enlarged development area. The development will consist of: At Blocks A & B, comprising the two-storey East Stableyard, the layout of the courtyard paving is to be changed, changes to the structures include minor modifications to external fire stairs, minor alterations to windows, internal and external doors, fire-rated partitions, and additional Distillation Condensers and vents to walls and roofs. At Block C, the approved extension to the East Stableyard, the modifications include the enlargement of the Column Still Room by (44m2) over three floors, internal modifications to the stair and lift shaft, external roof lights changed to clerestory windows, minor changes to location external doors, windows and vents. At Block D, the single storey West Courtyard, the modifications include minor changes to internal and external doors, internal partitions, new visitor's toilet room, and relocated universal access toilet. At Block E, the Energy Centre/Co-Products Building, the modifications include the addition of a new single storey Boiler House of (92m2) to the east gable end with rooftop ventilation monitors, new basement of (47.5m2) under the north end, relocation of the entire Block E to the west by 2.4M, modification to the design of the roof at the south west corner, deeper basement levels for bunding, modifications to the external timber cladding and doors, and relocation of the adjacent underground water storage tanks and piping ducts. At Block F, the Spirit House, the modifications include changes to the internal layout of the former Calving Shed to accommodate staff facilities and the addition of new rooflights; modifications to the roof, rooflights and external cladding to the cask handling yard; .......
Development Address: Slane Castle, Slane, County Meath
Architect Name: Thomas C. McGimsey Location Key: SLANE CASTLE DEMESNE
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: None
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: Yes Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 15/06/2015 Manager Order: L666/15
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 10
Grant Date: 24/07/2015 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 23/07/2020
Decision Description: planning permission at Slane Castle (a Protected Structure). The site is located within the Slane Castle Demesne Architectural Conservation Area. The development consists of amendments to the approved Planning Permission, (File Number SA130152). The previous application comprised the creation of a new whiskey distillery and visitor centre and associated development to be set within the existing two-storey East Stableyard, single storey West Courtyard, the East, Middle and West Farmyards and the Gardeners Cottage and Gardens. The site for the development is located approximately 110m to the north-west of Slane Castle. This application seeks permission for modifications to the previously granted development, plus new developments in the enlarged development area. The development will consist of: At Blocks A & B, comprising the two-storey East Stableyard, the layout of the courtyard paving is to be changed, changes to the structures include minor modifications to external fire stairs, minor alterations to windows, internal and external doors, fire-rated partitions, and additional Distillation Condensers and vents to walls and roofs. At Block C, the approved extension to the East Stableyard, the modifications include the enlargement of the Column Still Room by (44m2) over three floors, internal modifications to the stair and lift shaft, external roof lights changed to clerestory windows, minor changes to location external doors, windows and vents. At Block D, the single storey West Courtyard, the modifications include minor changes to internal and external doors, internal partitions, new visitor's toilet room, and relocated universal access toilet. At Block E, the Energy Centre/Co-Products Building, the modifications include the addition of a new single storey Boiler House of (92m2) to the east gable end with rooftop ventilation monitors, new basement of (47.5m2) under the north end, relocation of the entire Block E to the west by 2.4M, modification to the design of the roof at the south west corner, deeper basement levels for bunding, modifications to the external timber cladding and doors, and relocation of the adjacent underground water storage tanks and piping ducts. At Block F, the Spirit House, the modifications include changes to the internal layout of the former Calving Shed to accommodate staff facilities and the addition of new rooflights; modifications to the roof, rooflights and external cladding to the cask handling yard; .......

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: