Planning application details ref: SA130152 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: SA130152 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: SA130152
Received Date: 08/03/2013 Decision Due Date: 12/06/2013
Validated Date: 08/03/2013 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 01/05/2013 Further Info Received: 16/05/2013
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 10/06/2013
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Slane Castle Irish Whiskey Limited,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the creation of a new whiskey distillery and visitor centre and associated development located within the Slane Castle Demesne Architectural Conservation Area at Slane Castle a Protected Structure , to be set within the existing two-storey East Stableyard, West single-storey Courtyard, the East, Middle and West Farmyards and the Gardner's (Eddie's) Cottage and Gardens. The majority of existing buildings are presently not in any use. Part of the East range of the Stableyard is in use as office space. The site for the development is located approximately 110m to the Northwest of Slane Castle. The proposal includes the restoration and repair of existing buildings to sensitively adapt them to the new Distillery and Visitor Centre uses. The proposal minimises internal and external alterations to the existing building fabric. Where new construction is required to suplement the existing structures, it has been carefully sited and designed with appropriate materials and scale to cause the lease impact to the historic setting. A two storey extension of (531m2) is proposed to the West and South of the East Stableyard for the main Distillery production area. A single storey extension of (47m2) is proposed to the North of the East Stableyard for a new kitchen and deliveries area. The Distillery and associated Visitor areas including Reception/Ticket, AV Room, Shop, Cafe, Tasting Rooms, show cask area are located within the East Stableyard and West Courtyard Buildings, providing a total area of (2813m2) over (2) levels. (2) No. external stairs are proposed to the West of the West Range of the Stableyard and a new stair and lift core and link bridge at first floor level connecting the North and East Ranges of the East Stableyard, all for the purposes of access and fire safety. The North, East, South and West two storey ranges will be provided with total (24) rooflights. The existing hay shed, calving shed in the Middle Farmyard area are to be repaired and rebuilt with (10) rooflights to provide the Spirit Store and Cask Filling area known as Spirit House (651m2). The sheds in the Middle Farmyard area shall be repaired and used as Dry Cask Stores. The North sheds are proposed to be repaired and used for Distillery storage and for visitor WCs. A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared for this development and was partially informed by detailed sub-studies including a dive-based Aquatic Report and Tree Survey. (see public notices for full description)
Development Address: Slane Castle , Slane, Co Meath
Architect Name: Tom McGimsey Location Key: SLANE CASTLE DEMESNE
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: None
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: Yes Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 10/06/2013 Manager Order: S571/13
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 28
Grant Date: 12/07/2013 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 11/07/2018
Decision Description: the creation of a new whiskey distillery and visitor centre and associated development located within the Slane Castle Demesne Architectural Conservation Area at Slane Castle a Protected Structure , to be set within the existing two-storey East Stableyard, West single-storey Courtyard, the East, Middle and West Farmyards and the Gardner's (Eddie's) Cottage and Gardens. The majority of existing buildings are presently not in any use. Part of the East range of the Stableyard is in use as office space. The site for the development is located approximately 110m to the Northwest of Slane Castle. The proposal includes the restoration and repair of existing buildings to sensitively adapt them to the new Distillery and Visitor Centre uses. The proposal minimises internal and external alterations to the existing building fabric. Where new construction is required to suplement the existing structures, it has been carefully sited and designed with appropriate materials and scale to cause the lease impact to the historic setting. A two storey extension of (531m2) is proposed to the West and South of the East Stableyard for the main Distillery production area. A single storey extension of (47m2) is proposed to the North of the East Stableyard for a new kitchen and deliveries area. The Distillery and associated Visitor areas including Reception/Ticket, AV Room, Shop, Cafe, Tasting Rooms, show cask area are located within the East Stableyard and West Courtyard Buildings, providing a total area of (2813m2) over (2) levels. (2) No. external stairs are proposed to the West of the West Range of the Stableyard and a new stair and lift core and link bridge at first floor level connecting the North and East Ranges of the East Stableyard, all for the purposes of access and fire safety. The North, East, South and West two storey ranges will be provided with total (24) rooflights. The existing hay shed, calving shed in the Middle Farmyard area are to be repaired and rebuilt with (10) rooflights to provide the Spirit Store and Cask Filling area known as Spirit House (651m2). The sheds in the Middle Farmyard area shall be repaired and used as Dry Cask Stores. The North sheds are proposed to be repaired and used for Distillery storage and for visitor WCs. A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared for this development and was partially informed by detailed sub-studies including a dive-based Aquatic Report and Tree Survey. (see public notices for full description)

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: